Panama Carnival | Events in Panama | Veneto Panama

Panama Carnival Information

Panama is an exotic country that offers a vibrant mix of cultural influences and sights
and sounds that tantalize the senses. World renowned for its beauty, Panama boasts
spotless beaches as well as mighty mountain ranges. Fortunately, there are a lot of
activities in Panama that let you enjoy the country’s natural splendor.

Travellers in Panama can delve into the Island of Flowers or go scuba diving along
the Caribbean. Panamanian night life is also quite colorful, and there are various
magical islands to explore. Of all these amazing activities, perhaps the most exciting
event for travellers is the Panama Carnival.

Panama Carnival Details

Carnival has been celebrated annually since the early 1900s on the four days leading
up to Ash Wednesday. It is the most celebrated festival in the country and one of the
biggest events in the world. People book their tickets way in advance to attend and
are left with memories they cherish forever.

The town of Las Tablas is the best place to feel the true essence and spirit of
Carnival. The rivalry of the residents who live there leads to an exhibition of
beautifully designed floats and costumes that are a true feast for the eyes. There
are also fireworks, live concerts, games, and large trucks that spray clean water on
participants to keep energy levels high.

Via Espana

You can also enjoy Carnival in Via Espana, which is the main area in Panama City.
The Carnival queen is selected there and is featured in a parade and other related
activities. Some of the hotels even organize events that involve food and dancing,
further promoting the lively atmosphere of Carnival. The streets literally overflow with
people, music and joy.

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is arguably the biggest part of the Panama Carnival. The parade on the
main Carnival day in Panama City is better than any other before it, and people enjoy
themselves well into the early hours of the morning. It is so popular that is has even
spawned similar celebrations in other places around the world.